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Finzly actions

1. Finzly Client

Obtaining the Token for Finzly API's

To obtain the token from Finzly, you must provide the following in subflow properties:

  • CONTEXT: The context for which the Finzly client needs to be configured.
  • BASE URL: The Base url provided by Finzly for using it's APIs.
  • TENANT: The tenant provided by Finzly for using it's APIs.
  • API KEY: The API key provided by Finzly to generate Tokens for using it's APIs.

2. Add Customer in Finzly

To Add Customer in Finzly, you must provide the following:

  • CONTEXT: The context for which the Finzly client needs to be configured. You can provide it in msg.config or in subflow properties.
  • BASE URL: The Base url provided by Finzly for using it's APIs. You can provide it in msg.config or in subflow properties.
  • TENANT: The tenant provided by Finzly for using it's APIs. You can provide it in msg.config or in subflow properties.
  • External Reference Id: Unique reference id from a system outside of finzly. The external reference id can be used by the finzly for the request tracing (if needed). Provide it in as shown below.
  • Legal Name: Customer's legal name. Provide it in as shown below.
  • Short Name: Customer's short name. Provide it in as shown below.
  • Customer Type: Customer's Type. Provide it in as shown below.
  • Tax Id: Customer's Tax Id. Provide it in as shown below.
  • Other Info(optional): Other Information as shown in but not mentioned in this section are optional. You can provide it in as shown below if you wish to.

Override properties

The above connector properties can be overridden by the following message poroperties, if provided:

  • CONTEXT: msg.config.context
  • TENANT: msg.config.tenant
  • BASE URL: msg.config.base_url

Sample msg.config:

msg.config = {
context: 'xyz',
tenant: 'abc',
base_url: ''

Sample = {
externalReferenceId: 'REQ123',
legalName: 'ABC Bank',
shortName: 'BOFA',
customerId: 'CUST123',
customerType: 'Corporate,Consumer,Downstream Partner,Financial Institution,Processing Org',
taxId: '123456789',
achCompanyID: 1234567899,
lei: 'ABC1234',
swiftcode: 'BOFAUS3N',
language: 'English',
emailAddress: '',
phoneNumber: '123-124-9877',
faxNumber: '123-124-9877',
website: '',
logoUrl: '',
linkedinUrl: '',
twitterUrl: '',
legalAddress: {
addressLine1: '111 My Street',
addressLine2: 'Suite 210',
city: 'Charlotte',
state: 'North Carolina',
postalCode: '28269',
countryCode: 'USA',
mailAddressSameAsLegal: true,
mailingAddress: {
addressLine1: '111 My Street',
addressLine2: 'Suite 210',
city: 'Charlotte',
state: 'North Carolina',
postalCode: '28269',
countryCode: 'USA',
relationshipType: 'Customer or Bank or ThirdParty or Self',
partnerOrgShortName: 'ABC',
costCenter: '123123121',
relationshipManager: 'testuser',
originatingOfficer: 'testuser',
parentEntityShortName: 'ParentEntity',
addtionalProfileDetails: [
creditclient: true,
accountanalysis: true,
sso: true,
billingcustomer: true,
restrictedaccess: true,
achPositivePay: true,
achWhitelist: true,
achNonPrefund: true,
achNonPrefundLimit: 'string',
paymentFileAuthentication: true,
detailsofCharge: 'OUR',
fxPricingTier: 'string',
crediValueAdjustment: 'string'
secCodes: ['WEB,CCD,PPD,TEL,IAT'],
note: 'string',
legalEntityAccessSettings: {
allowOnlineAccess: true,
userPinForNewEntry: true,
userDualApproval: true,
userPinForApproval: true,
notificationsDualApproval: true,
customerPinForNewEntry: true,
customerDualApproval: true,
customerPinForApproval: true,
benePinForNewEntry: true,
beneDualApproval: true,
benePinForApproval: true,
paymentPinForNewEntry: true,
paymentLimitforFirstApprover: 0,
paymentDualApproval: true,
paymentLimitforSecondApprover: 0,
paymentNumberOfApprovers: 0,
paymentPinForApproval: true,
feeTierForApproval: true

3. Creating Customer Account in Finzly

To Create Customer Account in Finzly, you must provide the following:

  • Customer ID: The unique identifier assigned to a Customer within Finzly's system.
  • Updations: Additional information for the account creation can be given in msg.payload like below with same fields name.

Override properties

The above connector properties can be overridden by the following message poroperties, if provided:

  • Customer ID: msg.config.customer_id

Sample msg.model:

msg.payload = {
externalReferenceId: 'string',
accountName: 'string',
accountNumber: 'string',
accountType: 'Deposit',
accountSubType: 'Checking',
currency: 'string',
countryCode: 'string',
enableOffset: 'Yes or No',
enableWire: 'Yes or No',
defaultOffset: 'Yes or No',
feeAccount: 'Yes or No',
returnAccount: 'Yes or No',
fboAccountNumber: 'string',
systemOfRecords: 'Other Core',
routingNumber: 'string',
masterGl: 'string'

4. Delete Customer Account By ID in Finzly

To delete Customer Account by ID in Finzly, you must provide the following:

  • Customer ID: The unique identifier assigned to a Customer within Finzly's system.
  • Account ID: The unique identifier assigned to a Customer Account within Finzly's system.

Override properties

The above connector properties can be overridden by the following message poroperties, if provided:

  • Customer ID: msg.config.customer_id
  • Account ID: msg.config.account_id

5. Get Customer Account by ID in Finzly

To get Customer Account by ID in Finzly, you must provide the following:

  • CONTEXT: The context for which the Finzly client needs to be configured. You can provide it in msg.config or in subflow properties.
  • BASE URL: The Base url provided by Finzly for using it's APIs. You can provide it in msg.config or in subflow properties.
  • TENANT: The tenant provided by Finzly for using it's APIs. You can provide it in msg.config or in subflow properties.
  • Customer ID: The unique identifier assigned to a Customer within Finzly's system. You can provide it in msg.config or in subflow properties.
  • Account ID: The unique identifier assigned to a Customer Account within Finzly's system. You can provide it in msg.config or in subflow properties.
  • PAGE: (string) Which page of results are to be returned. You can provide it in msg.config or in subflow properties.
  • LIMIT: (string), (limit<= 1000). How many records are returned in the result set. You can provide it in msg.config or in subflow properties.
  • Include Account Balance: (boolean) Whether to include accouint balance or not. You can provide it in msg.config or in subflow properties. By default it's true.

Override properties

The above connector properties can be overridden by the following message poroperties, if provided:

  • CONTEXT: msg.config.context
  • TENANT: msg.config.tenant
  • BASE URL: msg.config.base_url
  • Customer ID: msg.config.customer_id
  • Account ID: msg.config.account_id
  • page:
  • limit: msg.config.limit

Sample msg.config:

msg.config = {
context: 'xyz',
tenant: 'abc',
base_url: '',
customer_id: 'abc123xyz456',
account_id: 'apjc123xyz566',
page: '100',
limit: '100',
inculdeAccountBalance: true,

6. Get Customer By ID in Finzly

To get Customer by ID in Finzly, you must provide the following:

  • CONTEXT: The context for which the Finzly client needs to be configured. You can provide it in msg.config or in subflow properties.
  • BASE URL: The Base url provided by Finzly for using it's APIs. You can provide it in msg.config or in subflow properties.
  • TENANT: The tenant provided by Finzly for using it's APIs. You can provide it in msg.config or in subflow properties.
  • Customer ID: The unique identifier assigned to a Customer within Finzly's system. You can provide it in msg.config or in subflow properties.

Override properties

The above connector properties can be overridden by the following message poroperties, if provided:

  • CONTEXT: msg.config.context
  • TENANT: msg.config.tenant
  • BASE URL: msg.config.base_url
  • Customer ID: msg.config.customer_id

Sample msg.config:

msg.config = {
context: 'xyz',
tenant: 'abc',
base_url: '',
customer_id: 'abc123xyz456'

7. Updating Customer Account in Finzly

To Update Customer in Finzly, you must provide the following:

  • Customer ID: The unique identifier assigned to a Customer within Finzly's system.
  • Account ID: The unique identifier assigned to a Customer Account within Finzly's system.
  • Updations: Provide Updations needed in msg.payload as below.

Override properties

The above connector properties can be overridden by the following message poroperties, if provided:

  • Customer ID: msg.config.customer_id
  • Account ID: msg.config.account_id

Sample msg.model:

msg.payload = {
externalReferenceId: 0,
accountId: 'string',
accountType: 'Deposit',
accountSubType: 'Checking',
systemOfRecords: 'Other Core',
accountNumber: 'string',
currency: 'string',
accountName: 'string',
masterGl: 'string',
enableOffset: 'Yes or No',
enableWire: 'Yes or No',
defaultOffset: 'Yes or No',
feeAccount: 'Yes or No',
returnAccount: 'Yes or No',
fboAccountNumber: 'for e.g. 1122344',
country: 'string',
countryCode: 'string',
routingNumber: 'string'

8. Update Customer in Finzly

To Update Customer in Finzly, you must provide the following :

  • CONTEXT: The context for which the Finzly client needs to be configured. You can provide it in msg.config or in subflow properties.
  • BASE URL: The Base url provided by Finzly for using it's APIs. You can provide it in msg.config or in subflow properties.
  • TENANT: The tenant provided by Finzly for using it's APIs. You can provide it in msg.config or in subflow properties.
  • Customer ID: The unique identifier assigned to a Customer within Finzly's system. You can provide it in msg.config or in subflow properties.
  • Updations: The updations that you need to do for the Customer. You can provide it in

Override properties

The above connector properties can be overridden by the following message poroperties, if provided:

  • CONTEXT: msg.config.context
  • TENANT: msg.config.tenant
  • BASE URL: msg.config.base_url
  • Customer ID: msg.config.customer_id

Sample msg.config:

msg.config = {
context: 'xyz',
tenant: 'abc',
base_url: '',
customer_id: 'abc123xyz456',

Sample = {
externalReferenceId: 'REQ123',
legalName: 'ABC Bank',
shortName: 'BOFA',
customerId: 'CUST123',
customerType: 'Corporate,Consumer,Downstream Partner,Financial Institution,Processing Org',
taxId: '123456789',
achCompanyID: 1234567899,
lei: 'ABC1234',
swiftcode: 'BOFAUS3N',
language: 'English',
emailAddress: '',
phoneNumber: '123-124-9877',
faxNumber: '123-124-9877',
website: '',
logoUrl: '',
linkedinUrl: '',
twitterUrl: '',
legalAddress: {
addressLine1: '111 My Street',
addressLine2: 'Suite 210',
city: 'Charlotte',
state: 'North Carolina',
postalCode: '28269',
countryCode: 'USA',
mailAddressSameAsLegal: true,
mailingAddress: {
addressLine1: '111 My Street',
addressLine2: 'Suite 210',
city: 'Charlotte',
state: 'North Carolina',
postalCode: '28269',
countryCode: 'USA',
relationshipType: 'Customer or Bank or ThirdParty or Self',
partnerOrgShortName: 'ABC',
costCenter: '123123121',
relationshipManager: 'testuser',
originatingOfficer: 'testuser',
parentEntityShortName: 'ParentEntity',
addtionalProfileDetails: [
creditclient: true,
accountanalysis: true,
sso: true,
billingcustomer: true,
restrictedaccess: true,
achPositivePay: true,
achWhitelist: true,
achNonPrefund: true,
achNonPrefundLimit: 'string',
paymentFileAuthentication: true,
detailsofCharge: 'OUR',
fxPricingTier: 'string',
crediValueAdjustment: 'string'
secCodes: ['WEB,CCD,PPD,TEL,IAT'],
note: 'string',
legalEntityAccessSettings: {
allowOnlineAccess: true,
userPinForNewEntry: true,
userDualApproval: true,
userPinForApproval: true,
notificationsDualApproval: true,
customerPinForNewEntry: true,
customerDualApproval: true,
customerPinForApproval: true,
benePinForNewEntry: true,
beneDualApproval: true,
benePinForApproval: true,
paymentPinForNewEntry: true,
paymentLimitforFirstApprover: 0,
paymentDualApproval: true,
paymentLimitforSecondApprover: 0,
paymentNumberOfApprovers: 0,
paymentPinForApproval: true,
feeTierForApproval: true

For more information on the Finzly API, please refer to the FINZLY API DOCUMENTATION